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Dental Emergency Specialist

Madison Family Dental Group

General Dentists & Endodontists located in Fair Oaks, CA

Do you need dental care right now? If so, go to Madison Family Dental Group, located in Fair Oaks, California, for emergency dental care. Led by Shiva Salehi, DDS, the practice can address a variety of dental emergencies. To get started or to learn more, reach out to Madison Family Dental Group online or over the phone today.

Dental Emergency Q&A

What is a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is any situation related to your teeth that requires immediate attention. Dental emergencies happen suddenly, and you don’t have time to schedule an appointment with your provider. 

Examples of common dental emergencies include:

  • One or more knocked-out teeth
  • Cracked tooth
  • Chipped tooth
  • Tooth broken at the gum line
  • Large object stuck between teeth or in gum tissue
  • Abscess
  • Oral infection

In addition, if your dental problem is causing severe pain, it is a dental emergency. 

What should I do if I experience a knocked-out tooth?

If you knock out your tooth, the first thing you need to do is locate the tooth and pick it up gingerly by the crown and rinse it off. Do not touch the root portion of your knocked-out tooth, because touching the roots can disturb the cells and prevent successful reimplantation. 

Once you’ve rinsed your tooth, if possible, place it back into its socket. Hold it in place by gently biting down on a clean piece of cloth or gauze or with your finger. 

If you can’t put the tooth back in its socket, try holding it between your gums and cheek. This will keep it moist until you can get to Madison Family Dental Group. If you can’t do that either, place the tooth in a small container and cover it with milk or water.

Remember that the faster you get the practice, the better chance you have of saving your tooth.

How can I prevent a dental emergency?

Unfortunately, there is no hard and fast way that you can prevent all dental emergencies. However, you can take certain steps to reduce the likelihood of many dental emergencies. 

First, maintain good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing at least twice a day and by visiting Dr. Salehi for regular checkups and professional cleanings.

Next, take care to avoid using your teeth to tear, pry, or grasp anything that isn’t food. In addition, if you play sports or participate in any physical activities that carry a high risk of facial trauma, use the proper protective gear. 

If you have a dental emergency, head over to Madison Family Dental Group immediately. Your health, safety, and comfort is the team’s highest priority, and Madison Family Dental Group uses the latest technology and social-distancing practices to prevent the spread of disease. To learn more about Madison Family Dental Group’s emergency dentistry services, call or fill out the online booking tool today.

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